I have to say, I prefer the drinking game that Potter00 usually has on offer, but Mother Jones does their snarky best to compete:
1. Whenever George W uses the phrases: national security, tax relief, activist judges or affordable health care, drink two shots of beer.
2. Whenever George W mentions the tragic events of 911, last person to grab a toothpick, stand and salute must drink three shots of beer. If you stab yourself in forehead with the toothpick, drink two more shots.
4. If George W makes up a word like “strategerie” or “deteriorize” drink four shots of beer.
11. Whenever George W quotes the Bible, last person to fall to their knees and cry “Hallelujah!” drinks two shots of beer.
12. Whenever George W smirks during a standing ovation, take turns drinking shots of beer until the audience sits down. Do it double time if his shoulders shake with silent laughter.
* Whoever can correctly identify in advance the person giving the Democratic Response doesn’t have to watch it.