Civil War General of the Day

Another A.P. Hill site, this one more about the “fightingest” attributes of the warrior. For those not familiar with the General, here’s an excellent summary:

His policy was to pitch headlong into whatever lay in his path, with little regard for its strength or position. As things had turned out, his impulsiveness had benefited the Confederacy–Hill had provided the killing punch in battle after battle since the Peninsula. At Mechanicsburg, he had jump-started Lee’s Seven Days offensive when he couldn’t stand the strain of standing idle. At Cedar Mountain, he had pitched in and saved Jackson from defeat, and at Sharpsburg, his late-afternoon attack had saved Lee’s whole army. Lee’s reference to him in the official report of that battle, “And then A.P. Hill came up,” had become a byword in the army. Hill and his “Light Division” had become the embodiment of the Confederate army’s offensive spirit. One fact bespeaks their mythic pull: both Jackson and Lee would call on Hill and his men in their dying delirium.

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