Op-Ed Contributor – Dear Sir Obama – Presidential Advice – NYTimes.com


Absolutely the cutest thing I’ve read all day: Literacy clinic, 826 Valencia shares some of its students’ letters and advice to Barack Obama. I particularly liked this one, whose author either has issues with the Bush administration, or OCD.

Dear President Obama,

Here is a list of the first 10 things you should do as president:

1. Fly to the White House in a helicopter.
2. Walk in.
3. Wipe feet.
4. Walk to the Oval Office.
5. Sit down in a chair.
6. Put hand-sanitizer on hands.
7. Enjoy moment.
8. Get up.
9. Get in car.
10. Go to the dog pound.

– Chandler Browne, age 12, Chicago

Also, this:

Dear President/Mr. Obama,

The best thing about living in the White House would be running around like a maniac. The thing I would like least is the work.

which I’m pretty sure was written by George Bush.

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