Who Gives A Shirt by WhoGivesAShirt on Etsy


For creative types who have learned to loathe Ebay, it’s a breath of fresh air to work with Etsy. To be able to post one’s items with such ease and expectation is refreshing. Typical of new ventures, though, one has to work a bit to bring the punters in. So I hope you’ll pardon a bit of shameless self-promotion (as I’ve been out of work for so long it’s more shameless self-preservation) while I revel in my new-found Etsy-ness.

To add a veneer of public service to the shamelessness (a bit like politics, really), I’ve been uploading my 2007 travel snaps in photo-card form. Those who aren’t already tired of them on Facebook can see them in some of their glory here.

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