Tag Archives: best-wishes


http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091023/ap_on_re_ca/cn_canada_wrongful_conviction_2 A judge acquitted Kyle Unger, 38, after prosecutors said Friday that they had no evidence against him. Unger was wrongfully convicted of beating, sexually assaulting and killing 16-year-old Brigitte Grenier at a rock concert southwest of Winnipeg. “It’s the first day of the rest of my life, a new beginning,” Unger said outside a […]

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Apple: Jobs Medical Issue Not Cancer, NY Times Says – Tech Trader Daily – Barrons.com

http://blogs.barrons.com/techtraderdaily/2009/01/15/apple-jobs-medical-issue-not-cancer-ny-times-says?mod=yahoobarrons Lots of talk – deservedly – about Steve Jobs’ decision to step away from his Apple CEO gig “for a few months” to improve his health. I’m no longer an employee, so I can finally respond worry-free to Joe Average comments such as this: Let’s get real. I mean really real. Jobs did not […]

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http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/arts/AP-People-Paul-Newman.html A longtime neighbor and business partner of Paul Newman has told The Associated Press the 83-year-old actor is battling cancer. A thumbs-up not for the horrible, wasting disease that is plaguing him, but for Paul Newman in general: A fabulous actor, an A-1 goof, a devoted husband, humanitarian,and some of the best thinking-woman’s eye […]

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