Not every photo taken by the professionals turns out how they expect. This series of goofy nature photos is well worth a look. 2016 Finalists Source: 2016 Finalists :: Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards – Conservation through Competition
Tag Archives: Photography
The Hubble Ultra Deep Field
This video makes the case for the Ultra Deep Field photograph, taken by the Hubble Telescope, as the most important image ever taken. After watching it, I concur. This is well worth 4 minutes of your time. The Hubble Ultra Deep Field in 3D – YouTube.
Artichoke + MRI = Awesomeness
About two years ago, Andy Ellison needed to test one of the MRI machines he works with at his job at Boston University Medical School. He reached for an orange. The result was stunning: An artichoke explosions. These are all great but this one’s my favourite. via Artichoke + MRI + GIF = Awesomeness – […]
My favourite historical period was documented in daguerrotypes and silver plate photography, so I relished the ability to filter my own photos into the 1860s. This is a handy little step by step for Photoshop users. Quick Tip: Create Your Own Daguerreotype in Photoshop.
Star Trails
Hey Don Pettit, stop hogging all the awesome. When he is not flying around Earth at about 18,000 miles per hour, out on space-walks or performing weird zero-gravity experiments, astronaut Don Pettit takes some of the most astounding space photos to date. The images, which look straight out of 2001: A Space Odyssey, as has […]
Slit Scan Photos
Super creepy abstract photography of a human body in motion. For some reason, this makes me think of a werewolf on the run. Metamorphose: Surreal Slit Scan Photos of a Human Body in Nature.
Crazy Portraits
Jason who is a wedding photographer started taking photos of his two little daughters back in 2006 when his mom was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. The girls were constantly sick, with colds and coughs so he couldn’t always bring them to visit their grandmother. Jason wanted her to be able to see her granddaughters without […]
Instruments from Inside
Stunning photography from inside symphonic instruments. This (I presume?) violin looks like an avant-garde concert hall. ART DIRECTION: INSTRUMENTS FROM INSIDE on the Behance Network.
Paris, 1900
I’ve never been to a World’s Fair, and that spectacle seems to have diminished in importance over the past century. Back in the day, though, they were A Big Deal, as evidenced by these colourised photos from the Paris event, in which the city’s buildings seem to have doubled in number for the occasion – […]
Failing at LIFE
Two ying-yang features of “Web 2.0”, if you will (and please don’t): Terrible user interfaces and poke-fun-at-selfism when you don’t expect it. This collection of terrible LIFE Magazine covers are presented – with facepalmed commentary – by LIFE itself. (Well, the magazine, at least.) As a chicken fancier myself, I’ve never minded the Big Chicken […]