This video makes the case for the Ultra Deep Field photograph, taken by the Hubble Telescope, as the most important image ever taken. After watching it, I concur. This is well worth 4 minutes of your time. The Hubble Ultra Deep Field in 3D – YouTube.
Tag Archives: astronomy
The Hubble Ultra Deep Field
Star Trails
Hey Don Pettit, stop hogging all the awesome. When he is not flying around Earth at about 18,000 miles per hour, out on space-walks or performing weird zero-gravity experiments, astronaut Don Pettit takes some of the most astounding space photos to date. The images, which look straight out of 2001: A Space Odyssey, as has […]
The Most Unforgettable Space Shuttle Pictures Seeing this picture amidst the shuttle program memories triggered one of my own. I have a very early memory which, for a few years, I assumed I was remembering badly: In 1980 or ’81, in Grade 1, our teacher spoke to us about this new Space Shuttle Columbia, which was doing a pre-spaceflight tour […]
(Untitled) Leading astronomers declared Thursday that Pluto is no longer a planet under historic new guidelines that downsize the solar system from nine planets to eight. Astronomy has the same problem with Pluto as Disney has with Goofy: What the hell is it?
APOD: 2006 April 1 – Hubble Resolves Expiration Date For Green Cheese Moon It seems that NASA has the same goofy humour as Google. Must be a geek thing. (Thanks, Gu1tar for the Stumble!) Using the new camera on the Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have been able to confirm that the Moon is made of green cheese. The telling clue was the resolution of a marked date […]
Meteorite – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I think I may have seen a meteorite tonight. Talking to a friend in a parking lot, there was a sudden green streak and then a whitish flash. I thought at first that it was a firecracker, but it made no sound and there’s nowhere from which a cracker could have been launched. Anyone […]
Phil Plaits Bad Astronomy: Misconceptions: Pareidolia And for those gullible types who actually subscribe to the “Jesus in the tortilla” phenomena, a reminder: “So the next time you hear of someone seeing the face of God in a turnip, or a ghost in a picture, or perhaps even a hill on Mars shaped like a face… well, then maybe you’ll […]
Curious About Astronomy: Who named the planets and who decides what to name them? Another site about planetary nomenclature, with some possibilities for the newly-discovered orbiting rock 😉
How do planets and their moons get their names? A new planet has been discovered beyond Pluto. I’m curious to know what name it will be given, and if the “naming convention” of ancient gods will be upheld. This website explains why the solar system’s other planets are named as they are.
(Untitled) And another. Beautiful colours.