Tag Archives: Entrepreneurship


Like a Salon des Réfusés for Kickstarter, Selfstarter has provided the web tools needed to run your own crowdfunding campaign.  Useful for those of us in Canada who still have no Kickstarter access. Selfstarter.

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http://www.investinhamilton.ca/mentoringprograms.asp I’ve long considered moving from Toronto to a neighbouring city with a terrible reputation. In its East end, this reputation is deserved – Hamilton has long been Canada’ “Steeltown”, and the pollution is abominable. What few Torontonians realise, though, is that the West end – unseen by those driving through – is gorgeous, friendly […]

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SCORE | Free Small Business Advice | How-to Resources | Tools | Templates | SCORE

http://www.score.org/ An American entrepreneurial mentorship service, which matches new business owners to retired business owners for advice-giving and idea-bouncing-off-of-ing. So far as I can tell, there’s no such system in Canada. *jealous*

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