I used to be a Google fan, but boy, have they lost me. Sounds like a few of the employees are feeling the same malaise and lack of direction as I am, and have started to jump ship. It’ll be interesting to see where Google is in 10 years, or if it even minimally resembles […]
Tag Archives: technology
TED Talk: A blood test without bleeding
Fantastic. Myshkin Ingawale is the co-founder of Biosense Technologies, which has built ToucHB, a portable, non-invasive device to test for anemia. Myshkin Ingawale: A blood test without bleeding | Video on TED.com.
Every few days, I come across something that makes me realise how priviledged I am to be living in the current era. (Can you imagine how Diderot would react to Wikipedia?) Shapeways was this week’s revelation. It gives average Joes like me access to 3D printers in a variety of material; acrylics, ceramics, glass, aluminum […]
Damn You Auto Correct! – Funny iPhone Fails and Autocorrect Horror Stories
http://damnyouautocorrect.com/ This site is hilarious. I wonder how many relationships Autocorrect has ruined? That’s probably why Apple invented FaceTime – to avoid all the lawsuits.
TVO.ORG | Video | Documentaries – Tagged
http://tvo.org/TVO/WebObjects/TVO.woa?videoid?85432367001 Interesting documentary about human RFID tagging, taking in the medical, practical, and ethical considerations of this new technology.
Pirate Bay founders get rich in jail| Reuters
http://www.reuters.com/article/internetNews/idUSTRE55T1QF20090630 The Pirate Bay goes “legit”. My initial reaction was an eyeroll and a thought back to how toothless Napster became after a similar move. But the Reuters story suggests a glint of hope: Global Gaming Chief Executive Hans Pandeya told a news conference that the revamped website would generate money via advertising, supplying storage […]
BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Giving up my iPod for a Walkman
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/8117619.stm Cute BBC fluff piece about swapping a kid’s iPod with a Walkman. Personally, I don’t miss my old Sony Sports, which weighed a ton and went through batteries pretty quickly. On my last trip, my nostalgia was of the “I can’t believe I used to use a Walkman” variety whenever I dragged out my […]
15 of the Meanest CAPTCHAs ever – Oddee.com
http://www.oddee.com/item_96665.aspx I loathe CAPTCHAs, so it’s amusing to see some of the most obscure, impenetrable examples ever offered.
For Some, Voice Mail Is Losing Its Allure – NYTimes.com
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/02/fashion/02voicemail.html?em NYTimes article about voice mail hate. This is encouraging – I thought it was just me who couldn’t stand the little red light. Obsolescence of that annoying medium can’t come quick enough for me. It is good advice. Research shows that people take longer to reply to voice messages than other types of communication. […]
http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000X27XDC/ref=nosim/kkorg-20 The best “you got chocolate in my peanut butter” invention I’ve seen in a while: A wireless SD card. Mind officially blown.