Can’t sleep, but finding great stuff while in the throes of insomnia is an acceptable tradeoff. This is Jeanne Moreau singing a twee little ditty from Jules et Jim.
Tag Archives: twee
Mark Blankenship: In Pixars Up, Two Chairs Mean the World (SPOILERS) If you’ve seen Up, read this. If you haven’t seen Up, GO SEE UP, then read this.
(Untitled) I’ve been waiting for my glue man for ages.
Knitty: Socktopus – Winter 2008 Behold, the “Socktopus”: WANT.
Mairzy Doats – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia One of the writers, Milton Drake, says the song is based on an English nursery rhyme. Drake says the idea came to him when his four-year-old daughter came home singing the English rhyme which starts “Cowzy tweet and sowzy tweet and liddle sharksy doisters.” (Cows eat wheat and sows eat wheat and little sharks […]
TopatoCo: Loch Ness Monster Adventure Club Certificate Ha ha ha ha. WANT.
Op-Ed Contributor – Dear Sir Obama – Presidential Advice – Absolutely the cutest thing I’ve read all day: Literacy clinic, 826 Valencia shares some of its students’ letters and advice to Barack Obama. I particularly liked this one, whose author either has issues with the Bush administration, or OCD. Dear President Obama, Here is a list of the first 10 things you should do […]
Vampire Weekend – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Oh my God, OH MY GOD. Just discovered this twee-faux-ska band through an anonymous coworker’s open iTunes library, and am groovin’ in my seat with a huge smile on my face. Two great music scores in one week? I’m a happy camper, me.
Parents’ Night With the President – I can’t wait to see Obama take office, not least because his young family has me utterly charmed, and I’d love to see more of them. I’m not alone, judging by this incredibly cute reaction from a possible First Daughter schoolmate: And for many black parents and students, the buzz has been thrilling. Dylan […]
(Untitled) This is such a cute meme: People retrieve photos of themselves as youngsters, and recreate the poses in a new photo. It’s fascinating to see the ones that include parents, and – in more cases than you’d think – their original toys, blankies and accoutrements.