This review required an update, as I really can’t recommend it enough. Absolutely pitch-perfect and as good a travelogue as you’re ever going to find. Again, I find myself wishing for an “I LOVE IT!” button.
I’m happy to report I’ve found the antidote to the poison that was reading a Bill Bryson book: Tim Moore’s Travels With My Donkey. He’s a lot like Bryson, but without the snark, attitude, superiority, whining and misanthropy, and with an actual sense of humour. Which is to say, he’s not like Bryson at all. I found myself running the laugh gamut from smiles to chortles to out and out giggles. Along the camino he experiences not only fatigue and frustration, but also good company and the kindness of many, many strangers. There is no big epiphany for Moore on his trek, but he does learn how to take things in stride – a million strides, as it were, straight across the North of Spain, with his intermittently trusty steed, Shinto, at his side. I haven’t had this much fun with a book in a while.