Suffragette Sisterhood

This election has been a mess, but I’m hoping against hope that Hillary wins tonight. Stories like this move me to tears, and give me such hope for the future.

For the first time in American history, a woman has been nominated by a major party and stands a real chance of becoming our next president. The moment has huge historical significance for millions of American women, including some over the age of 96 who lived before women even had the right to vote. As a result, many are taking to real and virtual grave sites to thank the suffragettes who made women’s suffrage possible. Stories and images of the long line to place an “I Voted” sticker on Susan B. Anthony’s tombstone have made their way around the Internet, but equally moving are the tributes women are posting on suffragist Ida B. Wells’ virtual grave site.

Source: People Are Leaving Tributes On Ida B. Wells’ Virtual Grave & Thanking Her For All That She Did

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