Category Archives: ipod

Pod almighty | Music | The Observer,,1499360,00.html Cute Guardian piece wherein the classical music critics are given and iPod and asked for their reactions. Shuffling is actually ace. Without it, I would never have felt the unique tingle when Fairport Convention suddenly turned into Kanye West, or been delighted at the segue of AC/DC into MIA. Shuffling makes the old sound […]

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(Untitled) Merriam Webster, along with iPREPpress, has released a pocket dictionary for the iPod which provides you definations of over 40,000 words. Using the iPod’s scroll wheel users can search for words through a hierarchical menu and hyper-linked structure. Imagine! IrishYankee points me to this terrific little tidbit. To some, the “imagine!” at the end […]

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Notes from the terminal ward & Blog Archive An iPod vending machine. Huh. I’d be more excited if I didn’t worry that it would go the route of every other vending machine I’ve ever used, and spit out exactly what I didn’t order. And sadly, I’m not the lucky type who would request earbuds and get an iPod Video, more the other […]

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livedoor ǥѡ: ܥDX ̾ǡ2011ǯ3вʬ – livedoorå A USB-powered red button. WANT WANT WANT!

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The Penguin Podcast: Coming on 15 December – A Christmas Carol I’ve become a devotee of audio books this year. After realising that a series that took me four years to read has taken me less than four months to listen to, one tends to see the value! My hearty thanks to Penguin Books, who are about to start a free download, via Podcast, of […]

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