Tag Archives: advertising

Creative ads on Conveyor Belts – DesignSwan.com

http://www.designswan.com/archives/creative-ads-on-conveyor-belts.html The checkout line and the baggage carousel are two places that always need cheering up, so I’m disappointed to note that I’ve never seen any such ad campaigns.

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Molly Ivins, Columnist, Dies at 62 – New York Times

http://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/01/washington/01ivins.html?ei=5087%0A&em=&en=cbff8057d6896bcd&ex=1170651600&pagewanted=all I recognised her name, but can’t think of many Molly Ivins articles I may have read. Which is a shame, ’cause she sounds like exactly the kind of sharp-tongued, inflated-ego popping columnist to whom I often gravitate. In her syndicated column, which appeared in about 350 newspapers, Ms. Ivins cultivated the voice of a […]

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darkMonkey.org.uk – Image Number 1002

http://darkmonkey.org.uk/4/Main/1002/ An example of what the Onion would call “not fully thought out” advertising. You’ve got to know the marketer who came up with this is either a sick pervert or one of the most sweet and innocent people on the planet. Thanks (?) to Sinycizym for the Stumble.

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PingMag – The Tokyo-based magazine about “Design and Making Things” & Archive & Top 10 ad-tricks in Tokyo’s train stations

http://www.pingmag.jp/2006/10/13/top-10-ad-tricks-in-tokyos-train-stations/ Here, a Japan-based blogger details some of the more inventive ads he’s seen on the subways. Advertising is unavoidable these days, so it’s nice when some effort is made to make a witty or interesting statement. It’s also nice when photos of these statements are presented with some explanations or context, so this article […]

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TV ad: Sure: Stunt City

http://www.bestadsontv.com/ad_details.php?id=100 Imagine the insurance that was required before filming began on this fantastic ad!

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