Tag Archives: hip-hop


http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061103/ap_en_mu/mtv_awards_kanye_6 Diva behaviour is intolerable at the best of times, but at least Elton John et al. have shown a decades-old talent and hit-making ability. Kanye West has been around for, what, three years? Now he’ll be famous for at least another three, as Saturday Night Live plays this embarrassing episode into dead horse-dom. But […]

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http://www.cnn.com/2006/SHOWBIZ/Music/06/15/jayz.cristal.ap/index.html The manufacturers of Cristal champagne voiced their disappointment that the Gangsta culture chose their product to reflect the essence of “bling.” In response, Jay-Z is calling for a boycott. “It has come to my attention that the managing director of Cristal, Frederic Rouzaud views the ‘hip-hop’ culture as ‘unwelcome attention,”‘ Jay-Z said in a […]

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