Animated cursors could prove risky for Windows users, Microsoft has warned. The software giant is investigating reports that the way Windows handles alternatives to the traditional arrow cursor can leave PCs open to attack. By booby-trapping a website or e-mail attachment with code that exploits the flaw, malicious hackers could hijack a Windows PC. […]
Tag Archives: Windows
(Untitled) Naturally, I’ll thumb-up anything that rings the death knell for Microsoft, but this is a legitimately thought-provoking piece. As per an earlier Stumble about how Apple has opened the world’s eyes to ease of use and usability, this article also questions how Microsoft will deal with Google’s invasion of the word processing and spreadsheet […] Bestsellers: The most popular items in Electronics Because I’m a bitch when it comes to slagging Microsoft’s PR, I thought I’d take a gander at the status of their much-vaunted iPod-killer, the Zune (remember that?) According to Amazon’s helpful best seller list, it seems the Zune is currently being outsold by 71 other products, one of which is the iPod USB […]
Microsoft Vista: A video play that will dwarf Google, Apple – December 1, 2006 I’ve never had much respect for CNN as a news organisation, but I didn’t realise they’d taken to publishing press releases as news. Here, Microsoft (through CNN) tells us how Vista will change the world, end terrorism, cure cancer/malaria/impotence, etc. without actually being able to make a PC user-friendly: Just as Windows 3.1 led […]
(Untitled) U.S. bans sale of iPods to North Korea Microsoft, sensing an opportunity, steps up its North Korean Zune marketing campaign. 😉 Though I admit it’s about as non-conformist as you can get, I’m not sure Kim Jong Il’s fashion sense (ahem) is cool enough for him to fully appreciate the iPod. A Zune, on […]
(Untitled) If only this was really the case, I could’ve saved myself 4 hours (6 with the Extended Editions!) Not what you’d expect!
Racing Car Human Sound Simulation – Laughter HELL! Still the FUNNIEST. INTERNET. MEME… *EVER*