I stumbled across Ned Kahn’s sculptural architecture whilst searching for Roland Flexner’s work. He creates buildings that interact with the elements (wind, specifically, in these cases) to provide the illusion of a living, breathing building. I don’t care how good the collection at the Pittsburgh Children’s Museum is, I’d wager none of it holds […]
Tag Archives: architecture
Abandoned Michigan Central Station, Detroit, Michigan, USA This hulking shell is the most prominent sight of Detroit when approaching the Windsor border crossing. It’s breathtaking in both the best and worst ways; In contemplating the beautiful architecture and workmanship, but also its decay and that of the city around it.
50 Strange Buildings of the World | Village Of Joy I was all set to thumb down this list of “strange buildings” – I’ve seen pages like this, full of context-less pictures, far too often. And then I saw this library in Kansas: So a thumbs-up it is.
The Openhouse by XTEN Architecture & CONTEMPORIST Funny how one’s mental lines get drawn. I thumbed up a rather similar minimalist house yesterday, but with its open-air fireplace and massive space, this one just seems wanky.
Photo Gallery: Casa Batlló Building in Barcelona | Sooth Brush A thumb-up for an artist I usually thumb down (Gaud
Pretty Cool Things & Moving into your own Shell As nifty as this Nautilus-shell home is, I can’t help but listen to my inner voice screaming, “FIRE TRAP!”
The Amazing Book-Staircase | CoolBoom I have to admit, I’ve severely turned on by this image. NSFW, if you – like me – are surrounded by book-adverse, Hello-magazine-readin’ twerp coworkers.
Crazy Domains There are some beautiful images on this site, but I won’t be visiting again; You’d think anyone interested in a subject as refined as architecture would know how to spell-check before posting…
The Cool Hunter – Architecture This is the nearly-completed extension to Toronto’s Royal Ontario Museum. For years, the ROM has been a relatively static collection in a big neo-fortress, and so the announced expansion put the people who like staid and boxy into paroxysms. I, for one, loved it from the first, though I admit to being disappointed that […]
(Untitled) Anytime I travel through (nobody travels to) Detroit, I’m always struck by the faded grandeur of this old Central Station. All the windows are smashed and the insides have been torn out by copper-seekers and vandals, but the husk is undeniably stunning. My understanding is that the Detroit Police force will soon be renovating […]