Tag Archives: news

Obi-Wan Kenobi in the News

And a follow up “Revenge of the 5th” post, though like most good Star Wars fans, I don’t recognise the prequels. Sean O’Neal writes the news reports for the AVClub, and he does it very, very well.  I find myself reading items for topics that have no interest to me, just to see what kind […]

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http://d.yimg.com/a/p/ap/20100831/capt.8b677958b741450187d12a2282d7746c-8b677958b741450187d12a2282d7746c-0.jpg?x=400&y=203&q=85&sig=PUSgaL_cZDt8R5I7hepTdQ– Does Mexico know how to stage a perp walk, or what?

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How Mr Westfallen woke up as Mr Happy Spanners – Times Online

http://women.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/women/the_way_we_live/article5400724.ece The Times documents some of England’s citizens’ recent – and ridiculous – name changes. My personal fave is Happy Adjustable Spanners, but this story better sums up the piece: His determination “not to take life too seriously” led Garry Fisher to adopt the name on a false ID featured in a US teen movie. […]

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You Must Remember This – New York Times

http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/27/opinion/27falk.html?_r=1&oref=login&pagewanted=print 2007’s underreported news stories. William Falk publishes a piece that simultaneously informs, scolds, and makes you chuckle. It was a year of miraculous events. President Bush invited Al Gore to the Oval Office for a friendly chat about global warming. France elected a president who likes and admires Americans. Eliot Spitzer discovered the virtue […]

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Canadians Beat U.S. Army to New Orleans Suburb

http://www.commondreams.org/headlines05/0908-02.htm It’s a bit late, but here is my second favourite story to emerge from Katrina (after the American media finally growing a pair) – a group of Canucks who managed to beat all the emergency organisations into New Orleans. Quiet infiltration is what we’re best at; just ask those who had to repaint the […]

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Popular Mechanics

http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/research/1282151.html Neat pic (NB: Not from today’s storm)

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