Tag Archives: nostalgia

21 Ways The Oregon Trail Traumatized You As A Child

These are hilarious and true.  As I grew older, though, I grew increasingly adept at the game, to the point where I’d be arriving in the Willamette Valley with a full wagon and immaculately clad, thriving family.  Greenhorn no more! 21 Ways The Oregon Trail Traumatized You As A Child.

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Creamola Foam

I found a tin of this diabetes-in-a-can in the back of my closet.  We grew up with it, brought over as a treat by my grandparents when they came to visit.  Totally unhealthy and disturbingly ingredient-ed, but damn if I don’t crave some now and then. Creamola foam came in the form of colourful crystals […]

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Preserving Mr. Mugs

In response to that plea, I decided to photograph every page of the one Mr. Mugs book I still have and I put them all in this photoset. Here’s a slideshow. Mr. Mugs is now preserved for future generations. Whoa, flashback.  My mother was a primary school teacher, so we had a set of Mr […]

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Modern Antiques

Church Key Many a barbecue and tailgate party was ruined in the pre-pop top days when it was discovered that no one had remembered to bring a church key to the proceedings. The pointy end punctured beer (and soda pop) cans open – one hole for pouring, one for a vent. The rounded end was […]

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Wayne and Wanda

These guys popped into my head tonight, complete with enthusiastic Sam the Eagle intro.  Oh ye gods, I miss the Muppets. Wayne and Wanda are a singing duo who performed regularly during the first season of The Muppet Show, often introduced by Sam the Eagle, who approved of their “wholesome, uplifting, and decent” act but […]

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Take The Car

It had been a decade since I used the Toronto Transit Commission for my commute, and boy did those 10 years see a huge decline in service. The current system lacks customer service and schedule regimentation. Routes have been cut back and inspection has fallen by the wayside. It’s common to wait 20 minutes for […]

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Classic Transit Posters

Salon offers a feature on classic transit posters from Illinois. Some wag with better design skills than I needs to do a modern twist on these for big city subway systems. http://www.salon.com/2012/01/27/posters_that_rival_the_london_underground/singleton/

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Toronto Nostalgia: The Mad Hatter

This Toronto-based webzine writes about the infamous “Mad Hatter” parties, which were the ultimate birthday party outing when I was a tween.  I was never cool enough to be invited to one, but even at the time I was somewhat thankful for that – anarchy and menace has never been my style. I remember listening […]

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http://roflrazzi.com/upcoming?pid=12514 Hear, hear!

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BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Giving up my iPod for a Walkman

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/8117619.stm Cute BBC fluff piece about swapping a kid’s iPod with a Walkman. Personally, I don’t miss my old Sony Sports, which weighed a ton and went through batteries pretty quickly. On my last trip, my nostalgia was of the “I can’t believe I used to use a Walkman” variety whenever I dragged out my […]

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