Tag Archives: Terrorism

List of designated terrorist organizations – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorist_group A list of designated terrorist organisations, charted against the countries or economic unions that prohibit them. Interestingly, there isn’t a single one that is proscribed in all six. Terrorism is in the eye of the terrorised, I suppose.

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http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071228/ap_on_re_ca/us_bin_laden_message_5;_ylt=ApE4aENoYMVTNf9j6PZSMXAE1vAI Yesterday, The Pyramids

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Ogden Nash | A Lady who Thinks She Is Thirty

http://www.westegg.com/nash/thirty.html My original comment was going to be about how fun and lovely this Ogden Nash poem is. Then I saw the “terrorism” tag. One can only assume it was bestowed by a 29 year old woman on whom the message of this poem is entirely lost.

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http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060603/wl_nm/crime_arrests_dc_7 A group of Canadian residents arrested for “terrorism related offenses” had amassed enough explosives to build huge bombs and were planning to blow up targets around southern Ontario, Canadian police said on Saturday. Mike McDonnell, assistant commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, said the group had acquired three tonnes of ammonium nitrate — […]

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Bushs speech was a sad, demoralizing spectacle. – By Fred Kaplan – Slate Magazine

http://www.slate.com/id/2127616/ Slate picks apart Bush’s speech from this morning, separating the signifying nothing parts from the President’s sound and fury.

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http://www.tallahassee.com/mld/tallahassee/11123067.htm Wow. I’m not used to seeing diatribes like this in American newspapers. Having said that, I’m *quite* familiar with them from Canadian, British and European news sources. Let’s hope this is a sign that the American press is finding its feet, even if this is only an op-ed: “I’m tired of the irrational fear […]

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