Tag Archives: Jewelry

“put a nickel in someone” definition from Double-Tongued Dictionary

http://www.doubletongued.org/index.php/dictionary/put_a_nickel_in_someone/ Less a Word of the Moment than a Phrase of the Moment, but I’m happy to make an exception for such a terrific colloquialism. Put a nickel in someone, v. phr. To provoke a person to excitement or talkativeness; to rile or anger someone; to cause someone to act. Also put a quarter in […]

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SallyGirl Designs & Page Not Found

http://www.sallygirl.com/display/ShowGallery?moduleId=344177&galleryId=19108 I love that Sallygirl straddles the line between modern and retro. First iPod cozies, next doilies for plasma TVs?

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ecstatic: Chocolate Peanut Butter

http://www.ecstatic.ca/bracelets/BW-04-008 I highlight this “Chocolate Peanut Butter” bracelet so you can all recognise the piece that I’m planning to buy. This isn’t an promotion for Ecstatic – it’s a warning to back away from my stuff, niiiiiice and sloooow.

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http://www.papersnake.ca/forsale_animals.htm Papersnake also sells twee accessories, but it was their wit that won them a place in the fair. I can think of a number of ex-friends and -acquaintances upon whom I would happily bestow a horse’s ass pin, but as that would involve seeing them again, I’ll hold off.

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http://www.whitelotusdesign.net/satori.html Being the one responsible for virtually all the legwork, I am letting my absolute power corrupt me abso-somewhat. There were a small number of exhibitors who were accepted without having to wait for the jury’s decision, and White Lotus was one of them. As previously mentioned, my inner girly-girl has long been repressed, so […]

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http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20061024/en_nm/mccartney_dc_2 One of the most high-profile divorce cases in showbusiness history turned bitterly acrimonious last week when legal papers were leaked. The document, apparently prepared by Heather’s lawyers, contained allegations that Paul mistreated his wife during their tempestuous four-year marriage. As I get older I’m realising that the Fab Four were far, far more than […]

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Handcrafted Sterling Silver Twig Jewelry by Twigs and Heather

http://www.twigsandheather.com/jewelry.htm I’m not generally one for jewelry, but some of the items on this site are beautiful.

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McSweeneys Internet Tendency: Unused Audio Commentary by Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky, Recorded for the Return of the King (Platinum Series Extended Edition) DVD, Part One of Four.

http://www.mcsweeneys.net/2005/3/18ring.html Ok, McSweeneys, this one’s pretty funny too: “Dagol is entranced by the little trinket he finds, the purported power of which will later be said by Gandalf to have horrible, corrupting power when, in fact, all it seems to do is turn people invisible.”

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