As comedian John Fugelsang recalls, all in life was dandy until one fateful day, at age 6, he noticed an odd motif in some photos: “In every family picture … my mother was wearing a habit.” Last August, he tweeted his parents’ unusual love story — with photos — on the first anniversary of his […]
Category Archives: Family
Family, Valued – Torontoist I’ve been playing co-host to an Australian tourist for the past few days, and it’s got me thinking a lot about my home and native land of Toronto. I make no bones about feeling like it’s a “home away from home” where Paris is concerned, but there are certain aspects of life here that […]
Error: No Such Username – StumbleUpon Saw this on Daphoenus‘ page, and couldn’t resist sharing the images it stirred up: Who would be your ideal surrogate SU family – pick a father, a mother, a daughter and a son, or perhaps just four stumblers you’d like to share a real-life house with (but you better make sure they can all […]
Outdoor fun and games – Ride on roundabout garden toy for boys and girls from Wurlybird Toys “It’s Wicked!” must be the most concise yet effective marketing line ever. This backyard toy does look exceptionally wicked, though one guesses it would require constant repositioning, so as to avoid burning one’s lawn with the circles of vomit that result from a couple of minutes’ use.
| F U G E E S F A M I L Y | Helping child survivors of war rebuild their lives one step at a time Here’s the website for the “Fugees” soccer team profiled in my previous Stumble. Note that the suggestions for ways to support the team include not only monetary donations, but also tutoring the team and parents, and even showing up to games to root them on (with snacks and drinks for the kids.) Truly inspiring!
(Untitled),5508,s1-4-0-0-2007,00.html I have a longstanding crush on Jeremy Piven, so it’s nice to see him finally getting his due.
Our TTC Swag Suggestions – Torontoist The Toronto Transit Commission is notoriously finicky about its copyrights, so these shirts have no chance of ever being printed. Such a shame, since this St. George tee is awesome. I spent four years staring at this logo, waiting for the subways to take me home after a day at UofT, and it makes […]
My side of the puddle A housewife in Ohio (I’m assuming she’s a housewife) is writing “tributes” to all of the nearly 3000 victims of the World Trade Center attacks. Unfortunately, the basis of her quite pitiable writing seems to be the infinitely superior Portraits of Grief. These were single or two-paragraph reminiscences of the dead by their loved […]
homebases reviews – StumbleUpon I’ve long preferred Teller to his bombastic partner Penn, and this lovely piece makes me wish he talked more. But, this “This I Believe” thing seems to demand something more personal, some leap of faith that helps one see life’s big picture, some rules to live by. So, I’m saying, “This I believe: I […]
Shutting Themselves In – New York Times I’m late in Stumbling this link, partially because I found the concept of hikikomori so intriguing. I’ve spent a good part of the last few years feeling a lot like the subjects described herein, where on most days leaving the apartment is a major struggle. I don’t know that I fall under the hikikomori […]