Category Archives: Gardening

5 foods its cheaper to grow – MSN Money A good primer for first-time gardeners, who are unsure of what to grow. Admittedly, I still want to plant potatoes (specialty fingerlings, anyway) just to be able to say I’ve grown them, but they’re bang on about the other “cheaper to buy” crops. If you really want a return on your garden investment, plant […]

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G.R.O.W. seeks volunteers – – News, Sports, Jobs, Community Information – Tribune Chronicle – Warren, OH The Community Foundation of the Mahoning Valley recently awarded G.R.O.W. a $10,000 grant that will be used to purchase seeds, plants and other supplies necessary for the nearly 11 acres of gardens, Hathhorn said. He said he gets calls every day from day cares, schools, other nonprofit organizations and community groups wanting to reserve […]

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Landscaping photos of “Kats Container Garden” from Port Charlotte, FL posted by KatG I don’t have much interest in gardening non-edibles, but would happily make an exception for these. Anyone else think the one on the left bears a resemblance to Robert Plant? (Pun possibly intended.)

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(Untitled) My StumblePal RodneyHarrington is an action-taker par excellence: As his hard-hit Ohio town fights a rearguard action against the onslaught of foreclosures and dereliction, Rodney is organizing a grassroots counteroffensive in the most literal sense: Armed only with shovel, hoe and watering can, he’s transforming the untended, abandoned properties around him into food gardens, […]

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The Guerrilla Gardening Homepage The London Guerrilla Gardeners show off their recent successes. Such a wonderful form of subversiveness.

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Interesting Things to Know 2 This list of unscientifically proven remedies brought to you by Proctor & Gamble. Or possibly the local corner store owner hoping for a P&G spiff.

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Chinese Bonsai Art Bonsai as “tree torture”, with our lack of sensitivity to the tree equated to America’s willful ignorance of Guantanamo Bay. Are you kidding me? I spent last weekend watching The Private Life of Plants. After seeing how deceitful, stubborn and determined plants can be, I’m not going to spend any time worrying about their […]

Posted in Gardening | Tagged , , , | Comments closed I’ve been a bit mad for hobby farms recently, and it really isn’t helping my productivity at work to be immersed in sites like this when I have projects to do. (Thanks for nothing, jerk! :P) Sites like this make me insanely jealous (emphasis on the insanity – I have no farming experience and […]

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(Untitled) Here’s an old new way to deal with an unruly garden. Rather than engage in hand-to-stem combat with your weeds, or resort to a Monsanto solution (pun intended), why not hire a trip of goats? The next day, Guggenhime carefully maneuvered his 25-foot trailer into the alley behind my bungalow and let loose a […]

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(Untitled) Ideal for those with limited garden space, or the growing number of ‘burb dwellers whose cookie-cutter houses include huge decks but no grass.

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